The Power of Music Knows No Bounds.
This year, Fallbrook Music Society will have several music education outreach programs designed to reach out to families, students, and our community.
We launched a new partnership with Friends of the Fallbrook Public Library/Fallbrook Library to fund three new family-oriented music programs. The 3-part program consists of 1) Weekly “Toddler and Me” Music Classes for children 2-5 years, 2) “Drop-in” music classes held weekly for students 7-12 years of age, and 3) Monthly Family Engagement “World Music” performances for students (all ages) in an educational and interactive format.
Also new this year, we have an integrative music curriculum for underserved students at Community Housing Works in Fallbrook. We believe that every child deserves access to high-quality music as part of a well-rounded education, as support that is essential for their social and emotional well-being, and as a critical tool for establishing equity and access.
A music scholarship program was inaugurated at Fallbrook High School and three scholarships were awarded. We hope to expand this program next year to include the Bonsall School District.
We continued to provide twice-weekly after school music classes to the Fallbrook Boys and Girls Club with ukulele, piano and voice instruction – providing teachers, instruments, books, music sheets, tuners and music stands.
And finally, we’ll be on hand once again at Arts in the Park with our teachers and board members offering fun music instruction and interactive musical experiences. We are delighted to participate with Event Sponsors Rally for Children and the Fallbrook Union Elementary School District in this enriching day of art, creativity and culture.